ACACES 2019 Summer School
CLASS researcher Eudald Sabaté Creixell from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) presents a poster during the ACACES 2019 Summer School, which is held for one week 14-19 July, in Fuiggi, Italy. Eudald's poster presentation is on Wednesday 17 July at 14:00-18:00 in the Park Fonte Bonifacio VIII.
About the event
The ACACES Summer School is a one week summer school for computer architects and tool builders working in the field of high performance computer architecture and compilation for computing systems. The school aims at the dissemination of advanced scientific knowledge and the promotion of international contacts among scientists from academia and industry.
It is organized by the HiPEAC Network in collaboration with the TETRAMAX Innovation Action and Eurolab4HPC.